Donnerstag, 5. Juni 2008

the flying dutchman

A couple of week ago I made a flyer for this puppet-theater piece for the "Kulturinsel" in Halle.
And now there`s the poster.

Size: 841 mm x 297 cm

photo: Falk Wenzel
collage and computer colour

the headscarf in islam

A Poster for a project that Tiana (a friend of mine) made with a couple of students at the Martin-Luther-University in Halle.

size: A0
drawings and computer colouring

Dienstag, 27. Mai 2008

Poster "An die Töpfe, fertig, LOS!"

This poster was made for a childrens event which is organized by "Kulturinsel" in Halle and that will take place in June.
Children can cook, eat, listen to farytales or make funny things coming from Japan and Litauania.
On two different days. Just look at the information on the poster and go there - will be fun!

Techique: Pen on paper, computer colouring

Siez: 84,1 x 59,4 cm

Samstag, 17. Mai 2008


My diploma - a childrens book about the most irritating and substantial thing in the world: Love.
For those who want to join my presentation:
Thursday, 26th of June, 10:30 a.m., Neuwerk 7, room 102, Halle(Saale).

technique: color pencil on paper, computer coloration
size: 32 x 24 cm

bunch of faces

ink on paper, computer texture,
size: 42 x 24cm

Fumetto Lucerne

At the end another swiss impression - the traditional alphorn blowing.

Fumetto Lucerne

A poster by Brecht - an artist from Belgium.

Fumetto Lucerne

...or working on the diploma was also a good way to kill time.

Fumetto Lucerne

Thats me - "working". A good thing to do is to work two days at Fumetto because you get free entrance, a t-shirt, food and drinks. But it can also be very boring if you catch the wrong exhibition. I had to talk to myself for 7 hours...

Fumetto Lucerne

Exhibition by artist-group Drozophile.

Fumetto Lucerne

Room by atak.

Fumetto Lucerne

Animal by Boris Hoppek.

Fumetto Lucerne

Money in - illustration out. A funny idea of students from Weimar: The Comic-Illumat.

Fumetto Lucerne

Exibition of another diploma in the KKL.

Fumetto Lucerne

Ruedi`s illustration corner - a diploma exhibition about Riga in the KKL.

Fumetto Lucerne

Fumetto Lucerne

This is the view over Lucerne - a beautyful little town in the middle of Switzerland. Every year there`s one of the biggest comic festivals in Europe - mostly in April.

Samstag, 10. Mai 2008


...I should work on my diploma. But instead I draw pictures about sun and love.
Still 3 weeks of sitting in the atelier and outside the sun is smiling...

acrylics on canvas, 79 x 30 cm

Dienstag, 6. Mai 2008

Coming back soon...

This picture I drew especially for our doormen. They always sit brave at the entrance of the theatre. But they have one favourite pleasure: Smoking. So they put the sign into their window that everybody knows where they are.

Size: 25 x 18 cm

Poster "Exit"

That Poster was made for the theater piece "Exit". It was played by the youth group of the "Kulturinsel".
This piece is about people standing in on a platform - always trying to catch the train - but they never manage.
And while they´re waiting they tell about their lives.

Size: 54,2 x 420

Program "Exit"

This program I made in cooperation with Hendrik and Yves.

Size: When it`s foldet it as big as a CD-cover.

Program "Exit"

Detail from the program-flyer.

Program "Exit"

Program backside.

Flyer "Exit"

Flyer front side.

Size: 14,8 x 10,5 cm

Flyer "Exit"

Flyer backside.

Flyer "Das kalte Herz"

Flyer front side.
Size: 21 x 9,8 cm

Flyer "Das kalte Herz"

Size: 21 x 9,8 cm

Poster " Das kalte Herz"

This poster I made in cooperation with the Illustrator Susanne Berner for the theater piece "Das Kalte Herz".

Size: 84,1 x 29,7 cm

Flyer "Tag der offenen Tür"

Flyer for "Kulturinsel".
Size: 21 x 9,8 cm

Kulturinsel Halle

Foto by Falk Wenzel

Kulturinsel Halle

This is "Kulturinsel Halle" or so to say the "nt" - Neues Theater.
Since january 2008 I work there as a graphic designer.

Foto by Falk Wenzel